[NEW] Join the Losing Control networker wall!
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Dear Losing Control networkers,
We have revamped the Losing Control website take a look around and let us know what you think!
We want your feedback on the new website! Do you like it? Maybe not? It’s all up for discussion. Get in touch with karen@thesocialchangeagency.org with your thoughts.
The Losing Control Networker Wall
We would love to feature our lovely networkers on the Losing Control Networker Wall. The purpose of the networker “wall” is to showcase who is in the network and to facilitate connections and collaboration.
Get in touch if you would like to be featured!
Welcome Mikee!
We are delighted to announce and welcome Mikee as our new Losing Control Network Organiser.
Mikee will be supporting with the development, communications and connections across the Losing Control network. Join us in welcoming Mikee to his new role.
Losing Control Network Events
1. Losing Control? You were never in control!
A workshop on the unconscious processes in groups and self-organising teams
January 9, 2020, London
Hosted by Kalina Stamenova, a member of the Tavistock Institute and OPUS, this half-day experiential workshop will draw your attention to unconscious processes at play in groups, your own patterns of relating and the many rational and emotional factors behind collective decision-making.
“What makes Kalina different is she gave me practical and realistic advice that I actioned immediately as well as great insight into the internal dynamics of the groups I was working with.”
2. Navigating Uncertainty: tools & practices for steering your organisation through complexity
A one-day introduction to more horizontal ways of working that bring out the best in you and those around you
March 2020 (TBC)
We need to learn to work with the uncertainty, let go of old habits, cease striving for control and perfection and tap into authenticity and flow. This workshop hosted by Human Organising Co. will help you on the journey, by introducing a selection of tried-and-tested tools and practices to help you and your organisation navigate ambiguity & complexity.
You will learn:
– tools to enhance your listening and perception skills
– ways to make your organisation more adaptable to change
– the nature of steward-leadership in healthy systems
– skills of perspective coordination in managing complexity and more!
Register your interest now with karen@thesocialchangeagency.org
NEW BLOG: Reflections from The Art of Building Power and Self-Organisation, Oct 22 – 24.
Tricia Reilly shares her reflections around the training. Read on to hear about hosting, harvesting, and more…
“It was like being part of a different world that has gone back to basics around areas of values and respect”
Other Events & Opportunities
Check out these opportunities and events hosted by members from within the Losing Control network:
1. Meaning 2019: a conference for better 21st century business, 14 Nov, Brighton
This one day event brings together an international guest list of speakers, panelists and workshop hosts to inspire you on your own journey to better business.
For more information and to register, click here
2.Network Building Training, 20 Nov, London
Hosted by The Social Change Agency, this training session focuses how to build and manage peer-led networks without adopting a command and control mentality. This training will equip you with the tools, techniques and behaviours you need to allow other people to lead and flourish.
Get your pay as you feel tickets here
Is there anything you would like to share on the Losing Control newsletter or Twitter? Get in touch: karen@thesocialchangeagency.org
Want to get involved with Losing Control? Don’t forget to sign-up to join the network to receive the latest news and opportunities here